Mr. Vinay Kumar is one of the founder member and the president of Youth Pharmacist Forum (YPF). He is B.Pharm from IP University, Delhi and M.Pharm from UTU, Dehradun (U.K).

He has more than 10 years of experience in the manufacturing sector with different pharmaceutical industries.

Mr. Vinay has been working for the upliftment of pharmacy profession in India. Various submission by him to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare ,Govt. of India and Pharmacy Council of India is under consideration.

He got appriciation letter from USFDA for raising rightful voice.Also for his marked contribution in the field of pharmacy, he got "Bharat Gaurav Puraskar" and Certificate of Excellence from KTK Foundation, New Delhi and also selected for "The Best Pharmacist" Award.

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Phone : +91 9811911830

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